For those looking for a guide on the first section, check out this Sports Story part 1 walkthrough. By following this guide, players can learn how to get rid of the three Iron Dragon members, calm the bees down, and solve a case involving the ownership of Rustling Vale.

This second part of our Sports Story walkthrough will cover the Rustling Vale exploration section. Go on a Quest to Find Pristine Wood Chips.Find a Way to Deal with the Bees / Check on the Farm Bees.We rather hope that the Switch 2 does go down the OLED route, as well as bring in things like a 4K output, more performance and maybe something a little extra, given we’ve seen Nintendo introduce interesting hardware with previous console generations the Wii focused on motion control and the Wii U had a controller with a display that laid the groundwork for the Switch. Of course, Sharp could be referring to a completely different console, or maybe a form of handheld PC which it's labeling as a ‘games console’ - right now all we have is speculation as Nintendo takes the Apple approach of being very tight-lipped about its next-gen hardware plans. There are advantages of being able to achieve high refresh rates with LCD panels, but OLED screens can hit 120Hz, which we’d argue is more than enough for console gaming. So equipping the Switch 2 with an LCD display could be a bit of an odd move by Nintendo. And this made the Switch OLED the Nintendo console to get if you didn’t already have a Switch or your original model was looking tired.

While the upgrade was arguably not enough to see original Switch owners make the… ahem… switch, the OLED screen made for much more colorful and contrast-heavy gaming. The Nintendo Switch OLED, as its name makes obvious, brought an OLED display to the Switch back in 2021. While the original Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite both sport pretty decent LCD displays, such panel tech will arguably look fairly dated in 2024, which is now when we expect to see a Switch 2.